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President Museveni Honors Brave Survivor of Kitehurizi-Kamwenge ADF Attack

In the aftermath of the suspected ADF attack on Kitehurizi trading center that claimed 10 lives on December 18, 2023, President Museveni has expressed a deep desire to meet and honor the young girl who survived the harrowing incident.

Condoned off scene following the attack

President Museveni, recognizing the resilience and bravery displayed by the survivor, has directed the State House Comptroller to facilitate her meeting with him. The President considers her a heroine and wants to personally commend her for her strength in the face of adversity.

This is not the first time President Museveni has extended such invitations to survivors, especially women, who have demonstrated exceptional courage in the wake of targeted attacks. In 2018, he hosted Resty Nakyambade, a survivor of the infamous “jamu empale” incident. Nakyambade had faced the threat of rape and possible death when Mohammed Kidawalime entered her house during the Kijambiya unrest in Masaka.

Resty Nakyambade & Museveni

The President’s proactive approach in recognizing and honoring survivors reflects a commitment to acknowledging the resilience of individuals who endure such traumatic events. The meeting with the Kitehurizi survivor is anticipated to be a poignant moment as the nation acknowledges and celebrates the strength of its citizens in the face of adversity.

The State House Comptroller is expected to coordinate the logistics to ensure the timely and secure arrival of the young heroine for the meeting with President Museveni. The nation watches with anticipation as this gesture symbolizes the unity and support extended to those who have faced the harsh realities of conflict and violence.

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