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The Elusive Dream: Bunyoro’s Decades-Long Wait for a Public University

By Owek Patrick Katende Ateenyi 

In the Royal Palace of Bunyoro (Karuziika), a dream was conceived over two decades ago – a dream of establishing a Public University that would bring the light of education and progress to the region. The visionary behind this dream was none other than His Royal Highness Omukama Dr Solomon Gafabusa Iguru 1, who, in about 1998, set in motion the plan to build a university for the people of Bunyoro.

Fast forward to 2024, and the dream still remains just that – a dream. Despite initial agreement in 2001 by President Yoweri Museveni to establish Bunyoro Public University, progress has been a tale of back-and-forth, leaving the people of Bunyoro in a state of perpetual anticipation.

During the recent Presidential Campaigns, the issue resurfaced, and President Museveni once again acknowledged the need for Bunyoro University. However, he laid down a condition: 450 acres of land in Hoima. This condition became a focal point, and in August 2021, a meeting between Museveni and Banyoro leaders, led by Prime Minister Nabanja, took place to discuss the establishment of the university.

A committee, composed of “eminent and elite Banyoro,” was formed to spearhead the university’s establishment and operationalization. Promises were made, and budgets were earmarked for the operationalization of the university. However, from 2001 to the present day, progress has been elusive.

Eminent Banyoro Meeting President Museveni

The situation took a promising turn when Dr. Wamaani offered 100 acres of land in Buhimba for the university. Subsequent government evaluations, though, included not only Wamaani’s land but also other locations, adding a layer of confusion to the process. As evaluations extended to Bulera PTC and various locations, delaying tactics crept in.

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Local politicians, eager to have the university in their respective territories, intensified the debate. Suggestions for the university’s location ranged from Kigumba to Masindi town, and even within Hoima town. The lack of a unified voice among Bunyoro’s leaders further complicated matters, with some joining the populace in expressing frustration and disappointment.

Today, the fate of Bunyoro University hangs in the balance. The cries and laments of the Banyoro people have become the last resort, hoping that their collective voice will be loud enough to reach State House and capture the attention of President Museveni. The dream of a Bunyoro Public University persists, sustained by the unwavering hope of a community longing for educational opportunities and the promise of a brighter future.

The Writer has served as Minister of Social Services (Education, Health) & Youths Affairs in Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom 

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