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Hoima City Residents Threaten Demonstration Over Power Blackouts

Economic Activities Paralyzed

In an unprecedented move, residents of Hoima City are contemplating a mass demonstration in protest of the persistent power outage that has plagued the city for the past two weeks. The blackout, attributed to the unavailability of a more powerful transformer, has sparked tensions among the local populace, who are grappling with the adverse effects on their daily lives.

UMEME, the power distribution company responsible for the region, has cited the inaccessibility of the district as the primary obstacle to resolving the power crisis. This inaccessibility stems from the Kafu River breaching its banks, hampering transportation and hindering efforts to deliver the much-needed transformer to the affected area.

Residents, however, are expressing skepticism about UMEME’s explanations, questioning whether the company’s officials have made any efforts to address the issue since the river burst its banks. Some members of the community are raising concerns about the apparent lack of urgency in resolving the power outage, especially considering the pivotal role Hoima plays as the hub of all petroleum-related activities in Uganda.

In response to the transportation challenges posed by the flooded Kafu River, the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) and other concerned parties have advised the public, including UMEME officials, to utilize alternative routes. The recommended routes include the Hoima-Kibaale-Mubende route and the Hoima-Masindi-Kampala route, which are believed to be more accessible given the current circumstances.

The ongoing power outage has had severe implications for economic activities in Hoima, with various industries coming to a standstill due to the lack of electricity. The situation is particularly critical for businesses that rely heavily on power, exacerbating the economic challenges faced by the local community.

As tensions escalate and frustration mounts, residents are now considering taking to the streets in a demonstration to voice their grievances and demand urgent action from UMEME and relevant authorities. The power blackout not only threatens the economic stability of the region but also raises concerns about the preparedness and responsiveness of essential service providers in the face of natural disasters.

The situation in Hoima City is evolving, and stakeholders are closely monitoring developments as efforts are made to address the power crisis and mitigate its impact on the community.

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